FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

Wicomico County Public Schools | EFMP FY2025 CITY OF SALISBURY DEVELOPMENT & INITIATIVES While WCPS serves the entire Wicomico County student population, many students reside within the City of Salisbury and more than half of school facilities are located within the City limits or just outside as shown in Figure 6. Within City of Salisbury limits: Just Outside City of Salisbury limits: • Chipman Elementary • East Salisbury Elementary • James M. Bennett High • North Salisbury Elementary • Parkside High • Pemberton Elementary • Pinehurst Elementary • Prince Street Elementary • Wicomico Middle WCPS has been working with the City of Salisbury, the largest local municipality, to develop a reporting process for subdivision activity and building permit data for new residential construction. In 2021 the “Here is Home” major economic initiative was launched aimed at solving the shortage of availablehousinginSalisbury.The program made use of fee waivers for projects receiving permits by the end of 2022 and breaking ground approximately 2 years from 10/1/2021. This initiative has resulted in significant development activity within the City of Salisbury, Wicomico County’s metro core area. Figure 7 represents the 1,834 known residential units currently in review (engineering review or preliminary planning review) and under construction as tracked by the City of Salisbury Infrastructure and Development department. While 21% of these units are already under construction, the timeline and future occupancy is unknown. It is important to be aware of their potential impact to student enrollments with more than half of WCPS schools within the City of Salisbury limits. An approved subdivision does not quantitatively translate to a mechanism for anticipating future enrollments or capacity. This data is one of the metrics used to better understand the correlation of new growth and development to enrollments (existing and projections) and is incorporated into planning efforts as available. 1,324 Townhomes 1,095 Single Family 1,834 Residen�al Units (1,447 In Review & 387 Under Construc�on • Glen Avenue Elementary • Salisbury Middle • West Salisbury Elementary • Wicomico High Figure 6 Figure 7 108