FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

Figure 8 - Wicomico County Dept. of Planning, Zoning & Community Development DEMOGRAPHIC INDICATORS Residential growth continues and when compared to enrollments, indicates additional school capacity may be needed or a redistricting effort may be necessary to better balance enrollments across the district. Wicomico County’s total population as estimated by the U.S. Census Bureau, Population Estimates Program (PEP), V2023 was 104,800 (county + municipalities). The eastern shore of Maryland is seeing an increase in the 45 to 65+ year old population and some subdivisions have been marketed as 55 and older. Wicomico County’s population was 25,579 (24.7%) for the ages of 45 to 64 (see Figure 8) which is an increase of 1.3% since 2010 (24,827). The Wicomico County population for persons 65 and older is 17,906 or 17.3% of the total population (values based on 2020 Decennial Census). It appears that our population is maturing and some of the people relocating to the eastern shore are doing so in retirement. In contrast to the issues associated with an aging population which has been more of a national issue is the concept of family friendly communities. The APA conducted a national survey in the spring of 2008 to assess attitudes about and barriers to creating family friendly communities. The report makes note of the need to create “.... more family friendly communities with housing at affordable prices, access to child care, parks, pedestrian pathways, quality public schools, safe neighborhoods, and many other potential features that promote family well-being.” It also points out that the AARP has documented that the elderly want to age in place and endorse walk-ability, public transit, affordable housing, convenient services and parks which are also applicable to family friendly communities. Part of the survey involved child care and only 20% of the respondents believed their community had an adequate supply and only 14%of the communities provided financial support for development or operation of child care facilities. Child care is often related to our public school population and those students who are in before and/or after school child care programs. Additionally, 59% of respondents said that schools function as a center of their community and acknowledged that schools are used for a variety of community functions such as child care, continuing education courses, public meetings, and community recreation. All of these functions apply to Wicomico County Public Schools. 109