FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

Wicomico County Public Schools | EFMP FY2025 PUBLIC UTILITIES During the 2023 legislative session, Senate Bill 246 passed allowing for the creation of a sanitary district and commission in Wicomico County which went into effect on October 1, 2023. Wicomico County worked with an engineer to complete a Water and Sewer Master Plan (WC-WSMP) to outline a technical, managerial, and financial approach/ policy for adoption by County Council to provide safe drinking water and clean water discharge for all residents of Wicomico County in the form of a Master Plan document to update the 2010 approved Water & Sewerage Plan. The issues of water and sewer access and availability in Wicomico County continue to be important factors for future planning and development of school sites. In Wicomico County many of the soils are poorly suited for septic systems and the Environmental Health Division of the Wicomico County Health Department has put into place a land evaluation process which involves (for a fee) evaluation for subdivision to sewage area modifications. This process among others was established as part of their mission to help protect public health through the control of vital environmental factors. Water and sewer facilities often stimulate growth and should be addressed within appropriate areas. While Salisbury and Wicomico County continue to work towards addressing these issues, there remain capacity and access issues to water and sewer. There is limited availability of municipal services in several parts of the county and a few of our existing schools (primarily on the west side) still utilize private wells and septic systems for sewer. Most recently the city extended water and sewer to the Beaver Run Elementary site. Schools utilizing private wells and/or septic systems for sewer: • Northwestern Treatment Plant & Well (tied to Mardela M/H) • Mardela Middle / High Treatment Plant & Well The Town of Mardela is considering a municipal waste water treatment facility & WCPS has expressed interest in having Mardela & Northwestern included for consideration in their planning process. This area is also a high priority in the new WC-WSMP. • Westside Primary Septic & Well The City of Salisbury wastewater plant was upgraded in 2017 to an ENR rated facility increasing capacity. The City of Fruitland has also made improvements and expanded capacity, but there is still some more needed in identified “future” sewer areas, especially the southwest interceptor which could significantly impact the future development and growth of that municipality. The installation, operation and maintenance of public water and sewer systems are an important and expensive government responsibility. There is a significantly larger “future” sewer area designated vs. existing public sewer already available in Wicomico County. In light of current economic conditions the expansion and / or installation of planned water and sewer areas will most likely continue to remain somewhat stagnant. Ultimately, the lack of water and sewer infrastructure will limit the areas where potential land could be considered by WCPS for planning considerations. 110