FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

The utilization category allows us to quickly pinpoint schools that are operating over capacity. In the end, the goal of the weighted score spreadsheet is to find schools where we can positively impact the largest number of students while at the same time addressing the most pressing facility needs. The top ranked projects (highest scores) will be analyzed further in the Facilities Need section of the EFMP. The Facilities Need Index (Systemic) is comprised of one category: FCI. FCI measures the key systemic components of each school. STATEWIDE FACILITY ASSESSMENTS It is worth noting that the The Interagency Commission on School Construction (IAC) conducts assessments of all public school facilities in Maryland, assessing each school at least every four years. Data collection began in December 2020 with 25% of WCPS’ portfolio re-assessed annually. The purpose of the Statewide Facilities Assessment (SFA) is to assess the condition and educational sufficiency of facilities that currently exist, not to make decisions about potential repairs, replacements, or new construction however a Facility Condition Index (FCI) score for each school has been generated. It is the hope that educational sufficiency will be incorporated to determine an overall Maryland Condition Index (MDCI) to allow the State to identify the school facilities in Maryland with the highest needs and focus available capital dollars. The State’s future use of these indicators will be closely monitored in years to come. INITIATIVES Projects that may not be identified by either the enrollment or facility needs analyses but shall be considered important during the prioritization of capital funding. Pre-K for All / Blueprint Implementation Study the elementary capacity impact of implementing the Pre-K for all initiative and add new capacity as determined necessary. Explore necessary space needs to support Blueprint including shifts in teacher/ leader responsibilities, need for educator training and professional development, CTE and college-and career-ready (CCR) program expansion, and increased student supports and resources. Transitional Pre-K and K Study thespaceneeds for a transitional Pre-K and Kindergarten initiative and investigate the feasibility of repurposing Wicomico Early Learning Center for this use. 131