FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

FACILITY NEEDS INDEX: SYSTEMIC 5.3 FCI* Notes 1 *Mardela MS/HS 24 Renovation & Addition - Construction 2 *Fruitland Primary 23 Replacement School - Design 3 *Wicomico HS 22 HVAC, Roof 4 *Pinehurst Elem 21 HVAC, Windows + Doors 5 Chipman Elem 20 6 Wicomico MS 19 Scoping Study 7 Fruitland Intermed 18 HVAC Design Development 8 *Glen Ave. Elem 17 Parking Improvements Summer 2024 9 East Salisbury Elem 16 10 *Parkside HS 15 Roof Replacement Summer 2024-2025 11 Westside Primary 14 12 Salisbury MS 13 HVAC Feasibility Study 13 Westside Intermed 12 HVAC Schematic Design 14 Willards Elem 11 15 Delmar Elem 10 16 Pemberton 9 17 Northwestern 8 18 North Salisbury Elem 7 19 Prince Street Elem 6 20 Pittsville ES/MS 5 21 James M. Bennett HS 4 22 Bennett Middle 3 23 West Salisbury 2 24 Beaver Run Elem 1 FAC I L I T Y NE EDS I NDE X S YS T EM I C *FCI = An industry standard index that objectively measures the current condition of the facility Scores Range: 1-24 Lower Scores = Least Attention Needed Higher Scores = Most Attention Needed *Project underway/recently completed red = ESSER/CARES II & III funded projects 137