FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

14 Chipman Elementary Facility Needs 14.10.636 Retrofit - Gen. Carpentry The interior doors and hardware have reached the end of their useful life. Project Description Replace interior doors and hardware to bring up to current standards. 14.06.468 Systemic Renovation - Plumbing The fixtures, finishes, accessories and partitions in the toilet rooms in areas A through C have either already reached or will be reaching the end of their life cycle based on age, which necessitates replacement. Project Description Renovate existing toilet rooms in areas A through C. Analyze toilet rooms for accessibility. 14.06.466 Systemic Renovation - Security and/or Fire Alarm The existing fire alarm system has reached the end of its useful life based on age in Areas A through C but remains operational. Project Description Upgrade or replace the existing fire alarm system in Areas A through C. 14.06.467 Systemic Renovation - Sprinkler The fire protection system (sprinklers) has become antiquated in Areas A through C. Project Description Upgrade, replace and expand the existing fire protection system (sprinklers) and tie into Fire Alarm as needed to remain operational in Areas A through C. Project Notes Coordinate with Fire Alarm project. Wicomico County Public Schools Educational Facilities Master Plan FY2024 145