FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

03 East Salisbury Elementary Facility Needs 3.04.381 Renovation/Addition - Studies / Planning While the existing East Salisbury has received various systemic upgrades in recent years, the building lacks ADA access to the main entrance, secure vestibule, and administration suite. The nurse's suite is undersized to meet the needs of the current student population. The two-story main building lacks an elevator. Project Description Conduct a feasibility study to investigate the options for minor renovations and an addition. Renovations and addition would include ADA access to the main entrance, administration, and 2nd floor of the main building as well as improve undersized spaces to meet the current programmatic needs. Total cost is an estimate only and must be adjusted to the project chosen during the feasibility study. 3.13.545 Systemic Renovation - Lighting Systems Lighting systems and ceilings have passed their useful life in a majority of the school. Upgrades are needed in order to provide adequate lighting levels and additional operational efficiencies. Project Description Upgrade lighting fixtures and associated ceilings that have exceeded their useful lives. Project includes electrical service upgrades and branch wiring as required to accommodate new lighting. 3.13.551 Systemic Renovation - Plumbing The fixtures, finishes, accessories and partitions in the gang toilet rooms in the main building as well as in both of the classroom wings have either already reached or will be reaching the end of their life cycle, which necessitates replacement. Project Description Renovate existing gang toilet rooms in the main building as well as the existing toilet rooms in the classroom wings. Analyze toilet rooms for accessibility. Project Notes 2020 Summer - First Floor Toilet Rooms renovated with other funding sources. Wicomico County Public Schools Educational Facilities Master Plan FY2024 149