FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

04 Fruitland Primary Facility Needs 4.6.522 New, Replacement, or Renovation - Construction Originally constructed in 1955 this 56,308 sf school with grades PK-2 has had minimal renovations and additions over the years but will have an average age of 47 by 2024. This school has been identified with a FQI of 102 due to several systemic problems including HVAC, roofing, windows, electrical and plumbing systems. Project Description A feasibility study has been completed to evaluate undertaking a major capital project to address all identified systemic projects as well as architectural issues. The project would include the design and construction of a replacement school on the existing site, behind the existing school based on information gathered in the Feasibility Study. Total cost is an estimate and will be updated during design. Total cost also includes significant escalation which could be reduced if funding is available for construction to begin sooner. *State Cost Share includes Y3 projected enrollments. Project Notes The six existing systemic projects will be removed from the CIP once funding for a major capital project is approved. 4.06.475 Systemic Renovation - HVAC Unit vents in areas A and C are scheduled for replacement, they will be over 34 years old in 2024. Packaged Roof top units in areas B and C are scheduled for replacement, they will be over 36 years old in 2024. Project Description Provide new energy efficient HVAC systems based on latest codes and available technologies. 4.06.273 Systemic Renovation - Lighting Systems Lighting systems and ceilings have passed their useful life. Upgrades are needed in order to provide adequate lighting levels and additional operational efficiencies. Project Description Upgrade lighting fixtures and associated ceilings that have exceeded their life cycle. Project includes electrical service upgrades and branch wiring as required to accommodate new lighting. 4.06.450 Systemic Renovation - Plumbing The fixtures, finishes, accessories and partitions in the bathrooms in areas A through E have either already reached or will be reaching the end of their life cycle, which necessitates replacement. Project Description Renovate existing toilet rooms in areas A through E. Analyze toilet rooms for accessibility. Wicomico County Public Schools Educational Facilities Master Plan FY2024 151