FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

4.13.577 Systemic Renovation - Roofs As part of the Roof Refurbishment Program this school is due for a roof replacement. Project Description Replace roof - approximately 61,592 sf. 4.13.620 Systemic Renovation - Security and/or Fire Alarm The existing fire alarm system has reached the end of its useful life based on age but remains operational. Project Description Upgrade or replace the existing fire alarm system. 4.06.473 Systemic Renovation - Windows / Doors/ Hdwr In 2024 the existing aluminum windows and exterior storefront systems will be over 39 years and are due for replacement. Project Description Project includes new insulated, energy efficient windows and storefront and associated masonry repairs required for installation. Wicomico County Public Schools Educational Facilities Master Plan FY2024 152