FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

8.03.343 Site - Paving / Parking Lots Parking has become a safety/capacity issue at this school. A study is needed to develop solutions to address the crowded conditions. Project Description This project will provide funds to study the problem, develop alternative solutions and implement much needed improvements (consider using adjacent property). Project will also address any current paving issues, as well as associated Storm Water Management and Forestation requirements. 8.13.554 Systemic Renovation - Lighting Systems Lighting systems and ceilings have passed their useful life. Upgrades are needed in order to provide adequate lighting levels and additional operational efficiencies. Project Description Upgrade lighting fixtures and associated ceilings that have exceeded their useful lives. Project includes electrical service upgrades and branch wiring as required to accommodate new lighting and emergency lighting. 8.13.556 Systemic Renovation - Plumbing The fixtures, finishes, accessories and partitions in the toilet rooms have either already reached or will be reaching the end of their life cycle, which necessitates replacement. Project Description Renovate existing toilet rooms. Analyze toilet rooms for accessibility. 8.13.616 Systemic Renovation - Roofs As part of the Roof Refurbishment Program this school is due for a roof replacement. Project Description Replace roof - approximately 30,737 sf. 8.13.555 Systemic Renovation - Security and/or Fire Alarm The existing fire and security alarm systems have reached the end of their useful life based on age but remain operational. Wicomico County Public Schools Educational Facilities Master Plan FY2024 Project Description Replace and replace the existing systems. 8.13.553 Systemic Renovation - Windows / Doors/ Hdwr The existing interior and exterior windows and doors have reached the end of their useful life based on age. Project Description Project includes new insulated, energy efficient windows and storefront and associated masonry repairs required for installation. Project also includes new interior doors and hardware. 160