FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

10 Pinehurst Elementary Facility Needs 10.11.561 Site - Paving / Parking Lots Front parking lot is not fully paved. Project Description Pave the front parking lot. 10.13.569 Systemic Renovation - Plumbing The fixtures, finishes, accessories and partitions in the toilet rooms have either already reached or will be reaching the end of their life cycle, which necessitates replacement. Project Description Renovate existing toilet rooms. Analyze toilet rooms for accessibility. Project Notes Summer 2021 - East wing toilet rooms renovated and and updated for accessibility. 10.06.398 Systemic Renovation - Security and/or Fire Alarm The existing fire alarm system has reached the end of its useful life based on age but remains operational. Project Description The existing fire alarm is beyond it's useful life for areas A, B, C, D & F and needs upgrading and partial replacement. Project includes the necessary electrical upgrades required as well as integration with new security installations. Wicomico County Public Schools Educational Facilities Master Plan FY2024 164