FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

17 Westside Primary Facility Needs 17.04.380 Addition - Studies / Planning Currently Westside Primary has a cafetorium which serves as its cafeteria, gymnasium and auditorium. As student population continues to increase it's become more of a challenge to schedule the multiple needs that this shared assembly space requires. The school is in need of a separate Gymnasium to serve students physical education needs and help assist with the over-scheduling of the existing cafetorium. Project Description Conduct a feasibility study to investigate the options for a separate Gymnasium with the necessary support space applicable to this programmatic need. 17.10.465 Retrofit - Gen. Carpentry In general the casework and associated counters & integral window sills have outlived their useful life based on age. Project Description Replace existing original wood casework with new casework and associated counters & integral window sills as required throughout Areas A & B. 17.13.607 Systemic Renovation - HVAC The existing HVAC systems are approaching the end of their useful life based on age. Project Description Provide new energy efficient HVAC systems based on latest codes and available technologies. 17.13.579 Systemic Renovation - Plumbing The existing sewage system consisting of a septic tank, pump station, and drain field distribution boxes is approaching the end of its useful life based on age. Project to be coordinated with Wicomico County Water & Sewer Master Plan. Project Description Removal of existing sewage system based on current Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) regulations and construct a pumping station and force main to a nearby municipality and pay for sanitary sewer services from that municipality if not included in future Wicomico County Water and Sewer Master Plan. 17.13.603 Systemic Renovation - Roofs As part of the Roof Refurbishment Program this school is due for a partial roof replacement. Project Description Replace roof - 23,310 sf. Wicomico County Public Schools Educational Facilities Master Plan FY2024 168