FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

49 Salisbury Middle School Facility Needs 49.03.393 Site - Paving / Parking Lots Due to increased vehicular drop-off and pick-up of students, overcrowding conditions exist at the current staff and visitor parking lot. Project Description Develop and construct additional visitor parking on site. Establish a separate visitor parking and vehicular drop-off & pick-up loop from the staff parking area. Project will also address any current paving issues, as well as associated Storm Water Management and Forestation requirements. 49.13.600 Systemic Renovation - HVAC Originally constructed in 1999 this school will be 25 years old in 2024 and many of its existing HVAC systems are approaching the end of their useful life based on age. Project Description Provide new energy efficient HVAC systems based on latest codes and available technologies. 49.13.629 Systemic Renovation - Roofs As part of the Roof Refurbishment Program this school is due for a roof replacement. Project Description Replace existing roof - 104,000 sf. Wicomico County Public Schools Educational Facilities Master Plan FY2024 177