FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

45 Wicomico Middle Facility Needs 45.6.635 New, Replacement, or Renovation - Studies / Planning Originally constructed in 1931 this 135,750 sf school is listed as a historical building with the Maryland Historical Trust. It houses grades 6-8 and has had renovations and additions over the years but will have an average age of 47 in 2024. This school has been identified with a FCI of 51 due to several systemic problems including windows, electrical, plumbing and HVAC. Many of the spaces are undersized and the current layout is not ideal to accommodate the needed instructional programs for current students. Project Description Initial costs are for a feasibility study to develop options for a full renovation/modernization or replacement school. Total cost is an estimate only and must be adjusted to the project chosen during the feasibility study. 45.11.564 Site - Paving / Parking Lots Parking has become overcrowded. Project Description Study potential parking expansion options. Funding for study ONLY. 45.13.601 Systemic Renovation - HVAC Portions of the existing HVAC systems are approaching the end of their useful life based on age. Project Description Provide new energy efficient HVAC systems based on latest codes and available technolgies. 45.06.459 Systemic Renovation - Lighting Systems Lighting systems and ceilings have passed their useful life. Upgrades are needed in order to provide adequate lighting levels and additional operational efficiencies. Project Description Upgrade lighting fixtures and associated ceilings in areas A through C that have exceeded their useful lives. Project includes electrical service upgrades and branch wiring as required to accommodate new lighting. 45.06.460 Systemic Renovation - Plumbing The fixtures, finishes, accessories and partitions in all toilet rooms in areas A through C have either already reached or will be reaching the end of their life cycle based on age, which necessitates replacement. Project Description Renovate existing toilet rooms in areas A through C. Analyze toilet rooms for accessibility. Wicomico County Public Schools Educational Facilities Master Plan FY2024 179