FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

43 Parkside High Facility Needs 43.032.359 Site - Fields and Grounds Parkside has requested athletic track facilities be built. Community interest has been expressed and some funds pledged toward the construction of such a facility. Project Description Planning and design athletic track facilities for the school. Collected funds would be utilized to study the feasibility and cost of a complex as requested by the school. Project Notes Exclusions: No Fencing Outside of the Track Perimeter Fencing, PA System, Bleachers, Event Pads, Field Soil Amendments, Field Under Drain, Irrigation, Sidewalks, CM Fees, Athletic Equipment 43.05.138 Special Initiatives - Science Initiative to upgrade and modernize science classrooms in all high schools. Project Description These funds would allow for the design and renovation of the existing science facilities. Upgrades may include but are not limited to upgraded cabinets for storage of supplies, lab space for students, sinks, goggle cabinet, eyewash station, lab preparation areas, chemical storage areas, and safety equipment. 43.13.532 Systemic Renovation - Roofs Due for replacement as part of the Roof Refurbishment Program. The roof is reaching the end of its useful life based on age. Project Description Replace existing roof - approximately 128,585 sf. 43.13.610 Systemic Renovation - Windows / Doors/ Hdwr The existing exterior aluminum windows and doors are approaching the end of their useful life based on age. Project Description Replace the existing exterior windows and doors. Wicomico County Public Schools Educational Facilities Master Plan FY2024 186