FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

Wicomico County Public Schools | EFMP FY2025 2023/24 Elementary Current FTE V.S. Current SRC Negative number donates shortage in capacity 1-2 Yr Increase FTE SRC Variance No Issue Short Term Long Term Non Issue Accom w/ Exist Ports Solution Needed FACILITY .+/- Beaver Run 713 664 -49   Chipman Elem 303 384 +81  Delmar Elem 882 683 -199   East Salisbury 480 424 -56   Fruitland Primary 436 474 +38  Fruitland Intermediate 348 378 +30   Glen Ave 388 470 +82  North Salisbury 520 506 -14  Northwestern 335 251 -84   Pemberton 503 523 +20  Pinehurst 542 467 -75   Prince Street 878 616 -262   West Salisbury 389 352 -37    Westside Primary 169 199 +30  Westside Intermediate 342 414 +72  Willards Elem 316 362 +46  *subtotal ELEM: 7,544 7,167 -377 2023/24 Secondary FTE V.S. SRC 1-2 Yr Increase FTE SRC Variance No Issue Short Term Long Term Non Issue Accom w/ Exist Ports Solution Needed FACILITY .+/- Bennett Middle 919 1,114 +195  Wicomico Middle 796 914 +118  Salisbury Middle School 869 999 +130  subtotal MIDDLE: 2,584 3,027 +443 J.M. Bennett High 1,379 1,496 +117   Parkside High 1,223 944 -279   Wicomico High 1,307 1,215 -92   subtotal HIGH: 3,909 3,655 -254 subtotal Secondary: 6,493 6,682 +189 2023/24 Combined Schools FTE V.S. SRC 1-2 Yr Increase FTE SRC Variance No Issue Short Term Long Term Non Issue Accom w/ Exist Ports Solution Needed FACILITY .+/- Pittsville Elem / Middle 307 505 +198  Mardela Middle / High 706 616 -90   subtotal Combined Schools 1,013 1,121 +108 * Includes Y3 students at Chipman and Pemberton Length of Issue How to Address Length of Issue How to Address Length of Issue How to Address Figure 3A 216