FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

Preliminary for LEA Review Wicomico County Public School Enrollment Historical 2023 and Projected 2024 - 2033 Grades 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 Kindergarten 1,192 1,180 1,250 1,230 1,290 1,270 1,270 1,280 1,290 1,300 1,290 1 1,144 1,180 1,160 1,230 1,210 1,280 1,260 1,260 1,270 1,280 1,290 2 1,225 1,170 1,210 1,160 1,230 1,210 1,280 1,260 1,260 1,270 1,280 3 1,169 1,250 1,200 1,210 1,150 1,220 1,200 1,270 1,250 1,250 1,260 4 1,160 1,180 1,270 1,200 1,200 1,150 1,220 1,200 1,270 1,250 1,250 5 1,016 1,030 1,050 1,120 1,060 1,070 1,020 1,080 1,060 1,130 1,110 6 1,023 1,020 1,030 1,040 1,120 1,050 1,060 1,010 1,070 1,050 1,120 7 1,014 1,030 1,030 1,020 1,030 1,100 1,040 1,040 1,000 1,060 1,040 8 1,058 1,010 1,030 1,030 1,020 1,030 1,100 1,040 1,050 1,000 1,060 9 1,229 1,240 1,180 1,170 1,170 1,160 1,170 1,250 1,180 1,190 1,140 10 1,216 1,120 1,120 1,060 1,050 1,060 1,040 1,050 1,130 1,070 1,070 11 1,045 1,120 1,030 1,040 990 980 980 970 980 1,050 990 12 833 980 1,050 990 1,000 950 940 940 930 940 1,010 Elementary (K-5) 6,906 6,990 7,140 7,150 7,140 7,200 7,250 7,350 7,400 7,480 7,480 Middle School (6-8) 3,095 3,060 3,090 3,090 3,170 3,180 3,200 3,090 3,120 3,110 3,220 High School (9-12) 4,323 4,460 4,380 4,260 4,210 4,150 4,130 4,210 4,220 4,250 4,210 Total School Enrollment 14,324 14,510 14,610 14,500 14,520 14,530 14,580 14,650 14,740 14,840 14,910 All projected figures rounded to nearest ten Totals are sum of rounded enrollments by grade Projections prepared by Maryland Department of Planning 227