FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

Wicomico County Public Schools | EFMP FY2025 LEA: DATE: SCHOOL: S.R.C. 616 ACTUAL YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 B.D.C. 548 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 Y-3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pre-K 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 KINDERGARTEN 128 112 119 117 124 122 122 123 124 125 124 1st 130 143 125 133 130 138 136 136 137 138 139 2nd 148 138 152 133 141 139 147 145 145 146 147 3rd 133 151 141 155 136 144 141 150 148 148 149 4th 118 130 148 138 151 133 141 138 147 144 144 5th 121 121 133 151 141 155 136 144 142 150 148 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th TOTAL w/out Pre-K 778 795 818 827 824 831 823 836 842 851 851 TOTAL w/ Pre-K 878 895 918 947 944 951 943 956 962 971 971 TOTAL w/out Pre-K is the sum of K-12 TOTAL w/ Pre-K is the sum of Pre-K-12 (Y-3 is not included) FTE ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS BY GRADE ENROLLMENTS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30TH Wicomico County September 30, 2023 Prince Street Elementary School 14 4/16/2024 FINAL Facilities | Planning + Construction 248