FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

Wicomico County Public Schools | EFMP FY2025 6/5/2024 4 7 College & Career Ready • More educational support for multilingual learners Governance & Accountability Recruiting High-Quality Teachers Early Childhood Education Blueprint for Maryland’s Future • More educational support for students with disabilities More Resources for Students • More resources for mental health and wellness • Better resources for students and families living in poverty • Encourage teachers to become a National Board Certified Teacher • Recruit more diverse teachers • Improve teacher training • Give teachers more professional support • Pay teachers higher salaries • Train all teachers in the Science of Reading • Prioritize slots for students with disabilities, non-English speakers, and homeless children • Expand PreK slots for 3 and 4-year-olds • Engage 45% of high schoolers in Career & Technical Education (CTE) • Expand opportunities to take college courses • Provide career counseling for all students in grades 6-12 • The voices of all will be included in this process • Experts will visit schools, offering Blueprint implementation feedback • New financial system tracks student fund spending 7 8 26