FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

Wicomico County Public Schools | EFMP FY2025 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE PROJECT CATEGORIES (see the Facility Inventory section for a full analysis) Figure 1 is a breakdown of the projected Capital Project needs (identified throughout the EFMP) over the next five years. The projects are broken down into four sub-categories; Systemic (1-2 systemics), Limited Renovation (min 5 combined systemics), Major Capital Improvements (major renovations, replacement schools, and additions) and Initiatives. Note that major capital improvements is as defined by the State and is not based on project costs. Figure 1 SYSTEMIC Fruitland Intermediate HVAC Westside Intermediate HVAC Wicomico High Windows + Doors Salisbury Middle HVAC Parkside High School CTE HVAC LIMITED RENOVATION MAJOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Mardela Middle/High Major Renovation and Addition Fruitland Primary Replacement Wicomico Middle Scoping Study INITIATIVES Early Learning Transitions Program Study Alternative Education Program Study 276