FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

Wicomico County Public Schools | EFMP FY2025 6/5/2024 8 Our Charge + = Blueprint Funding • Student Supports • Student Achievement • Strong Teachers • Accountability Local Funding • School Climate • Student Opportunities • Strong Staff • Capacity The School System We All Want! Student Accomplishments •Student member of the Maryland State Board of Education – Abhi Gaddam (PHS) •National Merit Scholarship Program Finalist – Taejun Son (WHS) •39 AP Scholars Representing All High Schools •United States Presidential Scholar Semifinalist – Minaal Khwaja (WHS) •Carson Scholar – Urjit Chakraborty (JMB) •9 National Skills USA Competitors for CTE •2 Unified Sports Gold Medalists – Mardela Unified Tennis & JMB Strength & Conditioning •13 All State Instrumentalists & Vocalists Representing All High Schools •Maryland State Pole Vault Champion – Reese Howard (PHS) •US Bands IIIA National Champion – Parkside Marching Rams •A National Best Music Education School System 14 out of the Last 17 years •Maryland Business Roundtable Emerging Scholar Award – Olivia Stokes (WHS) •The Class of 2023 Earned Over $27M in Scholarships Around our Nation 16 Just to name a few… 15 16 30