FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

6/5/2024 9 17 School Climate & Safety Implemented the Early Learning Transition Center and initiated additional behavior intervention programs Initiated planning with Kennedy Kreiger to provide mental & behavioral health resources in the underserved lower Eastern Shore Decreased overall discipline referrals by 10% and school violence incidents decreased by 10.48% this year (↓27% in MS & 48% in HS) Enhanced school safety with upgraded cameras, security film at entrances, electronic hall passes, a vape detection pilot, more campus patrol staff, and property fencing Implement a weapons detection system for portable use in secondary schools next year Open Kennedy Kreiger Elementary Program and Mental & Behavioral Health Day Program Increase staff training for Trauma-Informed Care, Restorative Practices, Youth Mental Health First Aid, and School Safety Training Improve school climate through the expansion of community school opportunities 17 18 31