FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

Wicomico County Public Schools | EFMP FY2025 6/5/2024 10 Student Achievement Successfully enrolled and educated 300+ additional Multilingual Learners in FY24 alone with only state funding Expand after-school programming from 14 to 17 schools to provide much needed academic interventions and resources to students Increased the number of PreK 4 classrooms to now accommodate 840 PreK students as total PreK enrollment has increased by 13.5% Significantly increased the number of dual enrollment courses offered and experienced a 19.8% increase in student participation Expanded financial literacy opportunities and implemented Career Coaches in secondary schools to focus on student career paths and exploration Expand the Judy Center Early Learning Hub to include Chipman Elementary, which will significantly increase resources for our youngest learners Continue to focus on core reading instruction that is based in the Science of Reading and implement evidence-based core mathematics instruction Implement online adaptive programs to expand the language and literacy skills of elementary and middle school Multilingual Learners Additional Opportunities for Student Engagement Researched and planned two new high interest middle school academies to prepare for implementation in FY25 Eliminated all participation fees resulting in increased participation in after-school activities, sports, and fine arts programs across the school system Increased the number of students enrolled in CTE courses and expanded Pre-Engineering offerings Implement a new CTE Firefighter/EMT Program in partnership with SFD and local volunteer fire departments Expand middle school academies to include a new Broadcasting Media Academy at BMS and a Business Leadership Academy at WMS Introduce AP African American Studies at a pilot school and offer CTE and advanced technology opportunities at Evening High School, Choices, and Secondary Virtual Learning Expand employer partnerships and community-based job training for high school students while introducing Vocational Olympics for students with disabilities Implemented 6 middle school sports programs with the support of the Wicomico Education Foundation and established multiple new clubs in all middle schools 19 20 32