FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

We continue to see an increase in the number of students designated as Multilingual Learners (ML). This is important to note, as we continue to expand our technology capabilities and staff resources to assist in creating a more global learning environment. Currently 82.27% of our student population is eligible for the Free and Reduced Meal (FARM) program and all WCPS are part of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) which allows a school district in a low-income area to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to enrolled students. (See Figure 2). We also have a 10.9% special education population; this includes any type of student who receives special education services. In addition, 33.8% of our students have some type of chronic health condition, such as ADHD, diabetes, asthma, etc. All of these factors contribute to how our instructional programs are developed and implemented to serve the critical needs of our diverse student population and thus impacts how our facilities can adapt or are designed to accommodate our unique student composition. Figure 2 13% ML 11% 82% 34% 37