FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

Wicomico County Public Schools | EFMP FY2025 INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY WCPS continues to prioritize the implementation of technology capabilities in our instructional environments, including access to the internet and digital communication technologies. A major trend in education is the immersion of our faculty, staff and students in a technology rich, easily accessible instructional environment. As educators become more adept at using digital instructional technologies and include the internet to expand their educational environment, faster access and connections are required. This creates an increased demand of specialized electrical service and complimentary systems connectivity. WCPS has successfully implemented and maintained a complex high speed telecommunication network which provides fully integrated voice and data access to each classroom, school and administrative office throughout the county. WCPS has a 1 to 1 device practice providing every student with the technology necessary for virtual learning if necessary. Internet access can be provided to students and teachers in need and open communication regarding affordable ways to get online is promoted. FUTURE INSTRUCTIONAL INITIATIVES We also need to be aware of what is being investigated regarding instructional proposals nationally and state-wide in addition to our own local initiatives in an attempt to be prepared for things that may impact our facility plans. See the Facility Inventory section for a list of special initiatives. The increase in distance learning has initiated the deployment of affordable technology to facilitate engaging classroom discourse, asynchronously and synchronously, and provide the much-needed connection between students and teacher regardless of the delivery model. To promote post-secondary education in all of our high schools and target underrepresented student populations, WCPS received grant funding to create four classrooms in each of our four high schools. This model will allow access to content and curriculum at various Institutes of Higher Education virtually, allowing students to take advantage of dual enrollment opportunities. With the assistance of CARES funding, all classrooms at our alternative school location (CHOICES), at Evening High School, and spaces serving our students with emotional disabilities throughout our secondary schools will be updated to a virtual format. 38