FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

With the school’s support, the JROTC program achieves these outcomes by using a worldclass 21st Century, technology driven, student centered curriculum. The curriculum consists of education in citizenship, leadership, social and communication skills, physical fitness and wellness, geography, and civics. Wicomico HS JROTC was most recently accredited by U.S. Army, Cadet Command in 2018 (every 5 years). The curriculum is facilitated and taught by qualified Army personnel who are employed by the schools to teach JROTC. JROTC teacher qualifications are based on military experience, education, training, maturity, stability, and leadership acquired over 20 years of service to our nation. The Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Education endorse the curriculum and accreditation by U.S. Army, Cadet Command. The benefits of JROTC are reflected in metrics below impacting all schools in the U.S. Specific to Wicomico, 52% of our cadets have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, 88% attendance, and 80% of senior cadets enlist in the military or attend a 2 or 4 year college institution. Average School JROTC Attendance 88% 88% Graduation 86% 100% In-Discipline 15% 5% Drop-Out 3% 0% GPA 2.47 2.90 JROTC is a successful program, making substantial contributions to students, schools, and our communities which benefit greatly from its presence. FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN A full day kindergarten program is implemented in 11 primary/elementary locations serving 1,114 students. The full day program allows teachers to effectively provide indepth instruction while pacing to meet individual needs and foster positive parentteacher relationships. The district utilized the Maryland’s College and Career Readiness Standards. Kindergarten classrooms utilize curricula from Fish Tank, 95% Phonics Core Program, Heggerty, and the McGraw – Hill Mathematics Programs. The locations are: • Beaver Run Elementary • Charles H. Chipman • Delmar Elementary • Fruitland Primary • Northwestern Elementary • Pemberton Elementary • Pinehurst Elementary • Prince Street Elementary • West Salisbury Elementary • Westside Primary • Willards Elementary 41