FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

WICOMICO COUNTY STRING ORCHESTRA PROGRAM String students at all the county high schools participate in a String Orchestra. Separate orchestra ensembles exist at Wicomico High, James M. Bennett, Parkside, and Mardela. Orchestra is scheduled during first block at James M. Bennett, fourth block at Parkside and Wicomico High, and Flex period (third period) at Mardela High School. Three string teachers are assigned to direct these four high school ensembles to make the most efficient use of staff who are also responsible for teaching at other county elementary, middle, and high schools. Currently there are 73 students enrolled in thehigh school orchestra program: 27 at James M. Bennett, 15 at Parkside, 10 at Mardela, and 21 at Wicomico High. For rehearsals, the program makes use of the band room at James M. Bennett, the chorus room and stage at Parkside, and the stage at Wicomico High and Mardela. String students at all five county middle schools participate in string instruction and/or orchestra. Instruction takes place during the special subjects’ periods for sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. Three string instructors are assigned to the five middle schools to make the most efficient use of the staff who are also responsible for teaching at other county schools. Currently thereare 154 students enrolled in themiddle school stringprograms: 20students at Mardela, 42 at Bennett Middle, 10 at Pittsville Middle, 50 at Salisbury Middle, and 32 at Wicomico Middle. For rehearsals, the programmakes use of rehearsal rooms at Pittsville, Mardela, and Bennett Middle, and the stages at Wicomico Middle and Salisbury Middle. Beginning strings and continuing strings are offered to all county fourth and fifth graders. Elementary strings courses are pull-out programs in 10 elementary schools: East Salisbury, Fruitland Intermediate, Glen Avenue, North Salisbury, Northwestern, Pemberton, Pinehurst, Pittsville Elementary, Prince Street, and Westside Intermediate. Total enrollment in the elementary strings program is 315. WICOMICO COUNTY ESOL PROGRAM The English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) is a program designed to meet the needs of Multilingual Learners (MLs) in the areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking. The ESOL program provides instructional services for students in kindergarten through grade twelve. All elementary MLs attend their home schools. Inclusion and pullout programs operate in the elementary schools. The ESOL teacher works with the Multilingual learner individually or in small groups to develop skills that will increase English proficiency. The time frame for individual/small group instruction depends on the proficiency and grade level of each student. Space must be provided for the ESOL teacher to instruct students in a safe and efficient learning environment. 45