FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

Wicomico County Public Schools | EFMP FY2025 Secondary ESOL students attend their home schools as well. Based upon their proficiency levels, these students attend a scheduled class period at their school with their ESOL teacher. ESOL classes are divided into levels ESOL I and II, and directly focus on developing and increasing English proficiency. Students enrolled in these courses may earn up to two World Language completer credits as well as elective credit. The ESOL teachers in the secondary schools also provide support in sheltered, supported, and mainstreamed classrooms. Toprovide additional support tohigh school students newto the country and the language, the English Language Support Center provides newcomer instruction at Schumaker Complex. This program allows students to receive scaffolded content instruction in a sheltered environment for a portion of the day, preparing them to better meet the demands of their high school level courses when they return to their home schools full-time. Additionally, ESOL support is provided to students who choose to attend classes at Evening High School. As the ML population continues to grow, ESOL instruction helps prepare students for achievement in the regular classrooms and on formative and summative assessments. The results of English proficiency assessments are used to determine when a student will exit the ESOL program. NEXGEN STEM ACADEMY Students are identified in 5th grade and invited to participate in the NeXGen program at Salisbury Middle School based on their interest in STEM discipline areas. The NexGen STEM Academy seeks to build the next generation of leaders that are inspired to assess and solve community and global problems collaboratively through curiosity, creativity, and innovation. The program accepts 50 incoming 6th graders each year. WBMS BROADCASTING MEDIA STUDIES Students are identified in 5th grade and invited to participate in the new signature program for grade 6 at Bennett Middle School. This is an innovative educational initiative designed to immerse students in the dynamic world of communications and media. This specialized program offers a comprehensive curriculum that integrates traditional academic subjects with hands-on experiences in journalism, digital media, and effective communication skills. Students will engage in interactive projects, collaborate on multimedia productions, and develop a solid foundation in critical thinking and creativity. The program aims to empower students with the essential skills to navigate and contribute to the evolving landscape of communication, fostering their ability to express ideas confidently in various mediums. This forward-thinking pilot not only equips students with practical media literacy but also nurtures a passion for storytelling, technology, and effective communication, preparing them for success in the digital age. 46