FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

Wicomico County Public Schools | EFMP FY2025 MAGNET PROGRAM Wicomico County’s Magnet Program has been developed to meet the needs of those elementary students identified as high performing learners. This group of students is exposed to strategies that focus on the highest levels of cognitive learning processes found in Bloom’s taxonomy in order to enhance students’ critical thinking skills and challenge them to perform at a level appropriate with their innate ability. Fundamental to the program is project based learning. Prior mastery of basic skills is essential to higher level learning processes. Students are guided in reading, math, and all content areas to explore beyond the literal acceptance of new information and concepts. Teachers act as facilitators helping students expand their knowledge in an atmosphere which fosters and encourages original thoughts, concepts, and individualized approaches to learning. The Magnet Program adheres to the Maryland’s College and Career Ready Standards and the policies adopted by the Wicomico Board of Education. The Magnet Program is housed at North Salisbury Elementary School and serves students meeting the criteria for entry in grades three through five from all county elementary schools. Transportation is provided utilizing a county mid-point and transfer routine on secondary school buses. The length of the student day is shortened to accommodate the transportation requirements from the entire county to the centralized location. Students can arrive as early as 7:45 AM, however the school day begins at 8:15 AM. Students are dismissed at 2:15 PM. During the 2023-2024 school year the magnet program consists of three 3rd grade, three 4th grade, and three 5th grade classrooms. The chart below shows the number of students enrolled in the Magnet Program for the current school year. Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 65 87 75 This number may fluctuate from year to year due to criteria changes and the level of student acceptances into the program. 50