FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

Wicomico County Public Schools | EFMP FY2025 Wicomico County Board of Education Approval Status Index Code Title: Student Transportation Procedure SFS-TRA-PR-002 First Adopted: 03/14/17 Legal Review: 03/07/17 Approved Revisions: 03/14/17 Effective: 03/15/17 Page 2 of 3 WICOMICO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION P.O. BOX 1538 2424 NORTHGATE DRIVE., SUITE 3, SALISBURY, MD 21802-1538 SFS-TRA-PR-002 1. When secondary school pupils reside within one and one-half miles of their assigned school, and all other school pupils residing within 1 mile of their assigned school do not have a suitable walkway between their homes and their assigned schools. A suitable walkway is defined as a sidewalk or a road shoulder at least five (5) feet wide and having a surface over which pupils may walk without being required to step on the road surface. This provision does not apply when a residential community is adjacent to the school grounds or has little or no transient traffic, or when the volume of traffic is nonhazardous during the time pupils walk to and from school. 2. When pupils are required to walk more than a mile along a road having a posted speed limit of 45 miles per hour or more. 3. When pupils are required to walk across a roadway involving a safety hazard where there is no automatic signaling device, marked crosswalk, or crossing guard. 4. When pupils are required to walk across an active high-speed at-grade railroad crossing, bridge or overpass, or through a tunnel having inadequate walkways. E. Opening and closing times shall be adjusted to the most economical configuration with the maximum time between the first school opening and last school opening of one and one-half hours daily. The same limit would apply to the first and last daily closing. F. Buses shall be routed so that 75 percent of all buses arriving at any given school shall do so during a 15-minute interval. All remaining buses shall arrive within 20 minutes before the time the school is scheduled to open. Departure times shall be approximately within the same time schedule as arrival times. G. The prime consideration in routing and scheduling shall be the safety of pupils and economy of service. IV. Route Extension A. Pupils are eligible for transportation when existing routes for buses are extended. Extensions of existing routes may be made when the distance from an existing route and the pupil’s home is greater than the minimum distance of 1 mile. Distances in all disputed cases shall be measured from the end of the pupil’s lane to the nearest existing bus route by the most direct traveled route. This traveled route may be road or walkways. B. Exceptions to the distance a pupil must live from the school or an established route may be made for students with a disability and have specialized transportation in their IEP/504 plan as an accommodation. Pupils are not eligible for transportation provided by WCBOE when extensions to existing routes necessitate one or more of the following: 1. Use of a privately-owned roadway; 2. Use of a roadway, regardless of ownership, which does not have a surface as good as a tar and chip surface; 3. Compromising safety standards; 4. Crossing a railroad track at grade level; 66