FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

Wicomico County Board of Education Approval Status Index Code Title: Assignment of Students to Schools Policy SFS-GEN-PL-032 First Adopted: 07/13/99 Legal Review: 09/29/23 12/17/20 12/06/16 Approved Revisions: 10/10/23 01/12/21 06/29/00 07/13/99 Effective: 10/11/23 01/13/21 06/30/00 07/14/99 Page 1 of 4 WICOMICO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION P.O. BOX 1538 2424 NORTHGATE DRIVE., SUITE 3, SALISBURY, MD 21802-1538 SFS-GEN-PL-032 School Attendance Areas and Redistricting Policy 1 I. Purpose 2 The Annotated Code of Maryland gives the Wicomico County Board of Education (WCBOE) 3 authority to determine the geographical attendance area for each public school. There will be 4 times of enrollment fluctuations and changes to the educational landscape that indicate the need to 5 shift attendance areas. WCBOE has the unique responsibility to allocate resources based on 6 various student needs and will consider strategies and solutions and seek communication and 7 transparency with stakeholders. 8 9 II. Definitions 10 A. “Attendance Area” - means the specific geographic area. 11 B. “Primary Residence”- means the legal residence of the custodial parent(s) or legal guardian(s). 12 13 III. Policy Statement 14 A. Attendance Areas 15 1. The county shall be divided into appropriate school attendance areas by the WCBOE. 16 2. Students are expected to attend the school assigned based on their primary residence. 17 a. Exceptions may be granted by the Superintendent or designee. 18 b. If the Superintendent determines that the number of out-of-district students attending 19 childcare centers is a significant factor in causing enrollment pressures within a 20 specific school attendance area, the Superintendent shall reassign those out-of-district 21 students before moving students whose permanent residence is within the attendance 22 area. 23 3. The Superintendent has discretion to make minor adjustments to attendance area maps 24 without WCBOE approval under the following conditions where: 25 a. Attendance area boundary lines divide properties. 26 b. Maps do not clearly define school assignments of current or future students. 27 c. Maps may not accurately identify current school assignments due to unforeseen 28 factors. 29 4. The Superintendent is responsible for making recommendations for attendance area 30 adjustment based on conditions set forth in this policy and for coordinating community 31 involvement and a communication plan. 32 5. The Superintendent is encouraged to implement temporary measures before 33 recommending changes to Attendance Areas. 34 B. Redistricting 35 1. The WCBOE may consider school attendance area adjustments under one or more of the 36 following conditions: 37 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE AREAS & REDISTRICTING POLICY 3.8 71