FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

SPECIAL PERMISSION PROCEDURE 3.10 Wicomico County Board of Education Approval Status Index Code Title: Special Permission to Attend School Outside of the Assigned Attendance Area INS-SCH-PR-010 First Adopted: 02/14/17 Legal Review: 01/23/17 Approved Revisions: 08/21/20 02/14/17 Effective: 08/21/20 02/15/17 Page 1 of 3 WICOMICO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION P.O. BOX 1538 2424 NORTHGATE DRIVE., SUITE 3, SALISBURY, MD 21802-1538 INS-SCH-PR-010 Special Permission to Attend School Outside of the Assigned Attendance Area Procedure I. Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to define the process by which students can be assigned to a school outside of their respective attendance area. This procedure covers parent requests, the administrative process, and the stipulations by which students may attend a school other than the one within their attendance area. II. Procedural Statement The Wicomico County Board of Education (WCBOE) requires students to attend the school within their respective attendance area for the purposes of instructional continuity, social stability, and geographic accessibility. At the same time, WCBOE understands that there may be circumstances by which a parent/guardian may request their child to attend a school outside of their assigned attendance area. This procedure outlines the circumstances and the conditions by which permission to attend school outside of the assigned attendance area may be considered. III. Procedure A. Initial Enrollment 1. Parents must enroll their child(ren) in the school of their assigned attendance area prior to requesting special permission to attend a school outside their attendance area. 2. Once initial enrollment is complete, the parent may submit the Request for Permission to Attend a School Outside Student’s Attendance Area form, available at all school offices. The form is to be submitted to the principal of the requested school or their designee. The school principal, or designee, will make the final decision as to whether special permission to attend the requested school is granted. a. Reasons for special permission include: i. Change of residence after the start of the school year (documentation required) ii. Home under construction with occupancy date after the start of the school year (documentation required). iii. Last year in current school (may be approved for a student who completes the year immediately preceding a standard last year or highest grade level offered in a school). iv. Program reasons/Athletics – High School. Obtaining special permission for the purposes of athletics applies only when a particular sport is not offered at the school within the student’s attendance area. The school the student would attend will be determined based on the school with the lowest building utilization for that year, and in accordance with the Wicomico County Public Schools Athletic Handbook. 77