FY 2025 Educational Facilities Master Plan

Cover 1
Letter 5
Table of Contents 7
1 EFMP Overview 9
1.1 EFMP Introduction 11
1.2 EFMP Purpose 13
1.3 School Tracks 15
1.4 Map: Wicomico County Public School Locations 17
2 Educational Goals 19
2.1 WCBOE Educational Mission & Vision Policy 21
2.2 Superintendent State of the Schools 23
2.3 Educational Overview 35
2.4 Educational Programs 39
3 Applicable Policies 53
3.1 Non-Discrimination Statement 55
3.2 Special Education 57
3.3 School Facility Retirement 59
3.4 Staffing Ratios & Organization Patterns 61
3.5 Student Transportation Policy 63
3.6 Student Transportation Procedure 65
3.7 WCPS Student Attendance Area Guidelines 69
3.8 School Attendance Areas & Redistricting Policy 71
3.9 Assignment of Students to Schools 75
3.10 Special Permission Procedure 77
3.11 Attendance Boundary Maps 81
Elementary 81
Middle 82
High 83
3.12 Individual School Boundary Maps 85
Beaver Run & East Salisbury Elementary 85
Chipman & Glen Avenue Elementary 86
Delmar Elementary 87
Fruitland Primary & Fruitland Intermediate 88
Northwestern Elementary 89
Pemberton Elementary 90
Pinehurst Elementary 91
Prince Street Elementary 92
Willards Elementary & Pittsville Elementary / Middle 93
West Salisbury & North Salisbury Elementary 94
Westside Primary & Westside Intermediate 95
Bennett Middle 96
Salisbury Middle 97
Wicomico Middle 98
James M. Bennett High 99
Mardela Middle / High 100
Parkside High 101
Wicomico High 102
4 Community Analysis 103
4.1 Community Analysis 105
4.2 Wicomico County Map: Development Pattern 115
4.3 Growth & School Facility Status 117
4.4 Wicomico County Map: Priority Funding Areas 119
4.5 City of Salisbury: Residential Development 121
4.6 Small Municipal Residential Development 123
4.7 Wicomico County Planning Approval Letter 125
5 Facility Inventory 127
5.1 Facility Inventory Analysis 129
5.2 Facility Needs Index: Major Capital Improvement 135
5.3 Facility Needs Index: Systemic 137
5.4 Scorecard Narrative 139
5.41 FQI (Scorecards) Maps 141
Elementary 141
Secondary 142
5.42 Scorecard / Facility Need Report - By School 143
Beaver Run Elementary 143
Chipman Elementary 144
Delmar Elementary 146
East Salisbury Elementary 148
Fruitland Primary 150
Fruitland Intermediate 153
Glen Avenue Elementary 155
North Salisbury Elementary 157
Northwestern Elementary 158
Pemberton Elementary 161
Pinehurst Elementary 163
Prince Street Elementary 165
West Salisbury Elementary 166
Westside Primary 167
Westside Intermediate 169
Willards Elementary 171
Bennett Middle 173
Pittsville Elementary & Middle 174
Salisbury Middle 176
Wicomico Middle 178
J.M. Bennett High 181
Mardela Middle & High 184
Parkside High 185
Wicomico High 188
Choices 191
General All Schools 192
General Topic 193
Morris St. Facility 194
101 Support Complex 195
Facility Building 196
Northgate Offices 197
Jersey Annex: Site Grounds Shops 198
Site / Grounds Warehouse 199
5.5 Facilities Inventory IAC/PSCP Form 101.1 201
5.6 Facility Inventory Update Assurance Form 101.4 Superintendent Signed 207
5.7 WCPS Regional Program Inventory 209
6 Enrollment and Capacity 211
6.1 WCPS Enrollment & Capacity Analysis 213
6.2 Private & Home School Analysis 219
6.3 9/30 Superintendent Verification of Enrollment Form 221
6.4 MDP Data for Projected Enrollment 223
6.5 WCPS Agreement with MDP Enrollment Letter 233
6.6 WCPS FTE Projected Enrollment 235
Beaver Run Elementary 235
Chipman Elementary 236
Delmar Elementary 237
East Salisbury Elementary 238
Fruitland Primary 239
Fruitland Intermediate 240
Glen Avenue Elementary 241
West Salisbury Elementary 242
North Salisbury Elementary 243
Northwestern Elementary 244
Pemberton Elementary 245
Pinehurst Elementary 246
Pittsville Elementary 247
Prince Street Elementary 248
Westside Intermediate 249
Westside Primary 250
Willards Elementary 251
Bennett Middle 252
Mardela Middle 253
Pittsville Middle 254
Salisbury Middle 255
Wicomico Middle 256
James M. Bennett High 257
Mardela High 258
Parkside High 259
Wicomico High 260
By Grade 261
6.7 MDP Approval Letter 263
6.8 WCPS Headcount / FTE Spreadsheet 265
6.9 Non-Public School Sheet 267
7 Facility Needs 269
7.1 Overview 271
7.2 General Planning Guidelines 273
7.3 Future Facility Needs 275
7.4 Facility Needs Summary IAC/PSCP Form 101.3 277